Friday, July 13, 2012

30 day update!

Hello friends,

I want to apologize for being a blogging slacker… I’ve been super busy because hubby and I moved, then we were on vacation, and THEN I made the bold move to quit my job (more on this later).

 Anyway, just wanted to give my 30 day CrossFit update! I realize this is a month and a half late... damn I really am a slacker. I hit 30 days on May 31st. I mostly have been putting this off because I didn't have a computer to use to put the before & after pictures together. So here they are...

These two look pretty much the same to me.

As do these...

Okay, I know, I know. They're not really super impressive. But you can kinda see a difference. I am definitely more toned than I was, and it probably helps to know I was not eating healthy during this 30 days. I had this whole mentality of "oh, I'm doing CrossFit so I can eat what I want." That's actually not true...

The preferred diet for CrossFit is Paleo. Look it up. It's from the caveman days. I wouldn't have a problem eating like this except there are 2 food items I am not willing to give up: cheese and bread. And we might as well add wine to that list. However, I HAVE been more mindful of adding lots of protein to my diet. I've also started taking Amino Energy before my daily morning workout. 

Holy cow, this stuff is amazing (I recommend the orange flavor)!!! It wakes me up immediately, and I don't get tired or weak during my workouts. This might be a new addiction... you should try them!

Since I've become unemployed, I can no longer afford a membership to a CrossFit gym. Until I do, my friend Mike is going to help me with my pull ups and toes to bar! My goal is to do them unassisted by the time I can afford CrossFit again. I will keep you posted on my progress!

Until next time! 


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