Monday, July 23, 2012

Angie, Mercy Me and Bacon!

Hi friends!

Just a little update... it's hot outside, in case you didn't know.

I have been unemployed for almost 2 weeks now! Yay? I've applied for a few jobs, but haven't heard back from any yet (boo).

Anyway, exciting news! I've been wanting to continue Crossfitting, even though I can't afford a gym right now. So I went on, aka my favorite website ever because everything's cheaper there, and ordered a couple pull-up assist bands. These bands are awesome, because they make pullups possible for us weaklings, and helps us become strong. You should see the "guns" I'm developing.

Here is a pic of my bands on his pullup bars:

This is what it looks like when you use them (sorry, no action shot of me):

I tested out my new bands yesterday with my friend Mike, who does Crossfit workouts in his backyard, and is my closest thing to a CF gym at the moment. I should post pictures of his yard... it's pretty cool. I promise you that for my next blog! The workout (or WOD, which is the CrossFit term) we did is a common CrossFit one called "Angie." 

100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats

It's no easy feat, and it takes awhile for a newbie to do this WOD "as prescribed," meaning no bands. I however, am still training to get prescribed pull ups and push ups, so I used my pullup bands and did push ups on my knees (lame). Last time I did this WOD was at my gym, CrossFit Rebels, and I did the intermediate version which was 75 reps of each. Since I took about a week off of CrossFit and we did this WOD at 1 pm, I only did 50 of each. And it was HARD. The sit ups and squats are a piece of cake to me though, so I think I should do 100 of each of those next time.

Anyway, it was a great workout and a good jump start back into CrossFit!

This morning I did "Mercy Me." This WOD was named after a Rebel girl named Mercy, and she loves to run. Here's the workout:

1600 meter run, 3 minute rest
1200 m run, 2 min rest
800 m run, 1 min rest
400 m run

 It's SO HOT outside, so this was a tough one. But I ended the thing out of breath and drenched in sweat so I consider it a success! It took me a minute and a half longer to run this than the last time I did it, but it's probably because 1) I ran it at 9:30 am instead of 6:30 am, and 2) I was measuring out the distances with my MapMyRun app on my iPhone. I expect better results next time!

After my run, I was inspired to have some Paleo breakfast: bacon and coffee. Yep, I had 6 slices of bacon. Sounds fattening? Yes, but in a good way! Bacon is actually good for you! Quoted from

"Bacon helps to fully satiate our appetite with high protein / low carb energy, helping the body lose weight, raise one’s metabolism and build leaner, stronger muscles."

My breakfast wasn't "legally" Paleo, because my bacon was cured, and I put creamer in my coffee but, hey. It's better than my normal bagel with laughing cow! I also decided to make some "protein muffins" that my friend Mary Kate eats pretty much daily for breakfast. She is a strict Paleo eater, so I'm always interested in the things she makes. These "muffins" are as simple as a slice of bacon and and egg in a muffin tin. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, and voila! Protein muffins! Here are my before and after pics, although I haven't tasted them yet:



I'll let you know how they taste, but for now: Happy Monday and have a great week, everyone!!


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